Every now and then, we receive a heated email about a bad score, going something like this…
“I got a 6 attractiveness score– I’m not ugly, what the HECK Photofeeler!”
Or something like this…
“Hey guys, r u a scam?? Plz confess.”
We’re here to clear the air.
Most doubts about us stem from the misuse of the photo analyzing tool; people take the feedback personally instead of using it as guidelines to improve their snaps and show their true, saucy selves.
Let’s unravel the most asked questions regarding Photofeeler.
First off, how does Photofeeler work?
Our main role is to give you real feedback on if your snap makes the cut.
Photofeeler operates by user votes, prompted and customized feedback, and an AI that throws out deranged votes. Users can test a photo for free by voting constructively on others’ photos or pay for faster votes without voting.
Most people use their friends for this– but friends aren’t great at unbiased input like online strangers are.
So, consider us your photo-analyzing bestie for professional, social, and dating profile pics.
“I didn’t get the score I expected– why?”
Crazy right? That’s why it’s so useful!
Lots of details stand out between a good and bad photo. Take Shakira, for example.
Normally, Shakira is rocking a flawless image, but a badly timed click (amongst a list of other things) can make all the difference.
But the underlying question here is, what constitutes a “bad photo”? And, more importantly, why did you get a lower score than you anticipated?
Well, a great photo is complicated; trust us, we have a whole blog library on ways to improve the small details, but here are a few commonly-overlooked problems with a user’s first photo tests.
Three possible reasons you got a low score:
1. It’s a mirror selfie
No matter if you look like Jason Momoa or Angelina Jolie– a bathroom selfie is going to rank low on attractiveness and trustworthiness. Something about taking a snap with a toilet lurking nearby reeks of distrust; we can’t explain it.
Mirror selfies just aren’t it. Where’s the personality? The spice? 🤌 The posing, lighting, angles?
2. The vibe is off
What does the background of your snap tell strangers about you?
If you can’t pull context from the photo, neither can someone who’s never met you. And people on dating apps assume the worst when you post up an in-bed selfie.
Check the vast difference in Photofeeler scores for these two pics:
The sultry bed selfie does worse than the cheeky coffee shop snap because it doesn’t provide context.
Take a pic at a local place you love, somewhere you can see yourself bringing a friend or date. Seeing you outside in real life drives the trustworthy factor, which in turn, drives the other traits.
3. You’re not showing off your best self
Although we’re analyzing how you come off in photos, there are off-site factors that play a part in your scores too.
We can sum up these individual factors into three main categories: fixed appearance, changeable appearance, and photo quality.
- Fixed looks are aspects of your appearance you can’t change, like your smile, body shape, facial characteristics, etc.
- Changeable looks refer to things you can alter, such as your luscious locks, facial hair, clothing, and body language.
- Photo quality takes into account the background, lighting, framing, and composition of a snap.
If you’re scoring lower than you’d expect, perhaps it’s time for a change? Maybe the best-looking version of you is actually:
- Hiding under too much facial hair. Time for a trim!
- Buried in clothing that does nothing for your figure. Find your clothing soulmate and let it love your curves.
- Mixed up in your makeup look. Test out different styles to find what makes you glow.
- Waiting to reveal itself with a haircut. Or, your inner Tarzan is slowly becoming clear as you grow out your locks.
- Stuck in the dark. Lighting can make or break your pic. Watch out for harsh shadows.
“I think Photofeeler is ranked by bots!”
Behind the screen, Photofeeler has strict measures in place to deter any non-user interactions and votes.
Our founder has a Ph.D. in algorithms and has prioritized from day one that erratic voting behavior be thrown out and disregarded. We got it covered, but we can’t explain it here because, well… it’s our secret formula.
Despite the occasional bad apples, Photofeeler is teeming with users who genuinely love weighing in and giving feedback. Some users have voted hundreds of thousands of times!
“I got the exact score I expected = scam.”
If users test a photo and get the score they predicted, that’s great news! Your photo senses are tingling in all the right ways, and you know a good snap when you see one. Please do weigh in, help some other users out, and test a few more of your on-the-fence snaps!
When in doubt, Photofeeler it out. Let us help you choose the best of the best photos for your accounts and socials. Upload similar pics to see which micro-expressions pull higher scores.
“But, the opinions are subjective.”
It’s true, they are, but that’s the point.
You’re getting a first-hand account of what people in the wild are thinking. It’s not a contest; it’s a measuring tool.
People will weigh in their honest thoughts on your snap. So yes, the scores are subjective, but so are Linkedin, Tinder, and other social media-based first impressions.
With Photofeeler, you get the extraordinary opportunity to test the waters (and your photo) before you post it. And who doesn’t want a chance at perfecting their first impression?
The fine print
Photofeeler is meant to be used over and over again on multiple photos that are similar, or a collection of different snaps. Make the suggested tweaks and see your photo rankings improve.
Understand the reasoning behind each test’s traits. You’ll find that business photos test different traits than dating for a purpose. Having a well-rounded score on all fronts means you hit the first impression nail on the head.
If you wanna hear more about us from strangers, head to Reddit. We get brought up a lot there. Turns out, people love sharing their stories about how they’ve improved their profiles with Photofeeler, and we love to hear it! 🥹
Here’s what peeps are saying:

Feelin’ testy?
In case we haven’t already settled your doubts, try for yourself completely free!
You’d be surprised how subtle changes in lighting, posing, attire, and more, can vastly improve your photo, thereby improving your business, dating, and social profiles.
It’s worth it to invest time and effort in photos that reflect your essence and energy. Not only will you attract what you’re looking for, but you’ll also feel powerful and confident in your online first impression– and that makes all the difference!