You may have heard of Prettyscale, a website which claims to analyze facial and body beauty.
Prettyscale works by measuring your facial symmetry across the various points:
- Outer left and right of each eye
- Bottom of the chin
- Hairline
- Rightmost and leftmost sides of face
- Rightmost, leftmost, and bottom of the nose
- Rightmost, leftmost, and middle of the mouth
All these points result in an automated percentage of how “pretty” you are compared to the “ideal” proportions for a man or woman. Keep in mind, Prettyscale was created in 2011 and doesn’t look to have been updated since.
The Prettyscale website looks like this:
Once you upload a pic, you’ll be prompted to choose between a facial or body test. You’ll select to be tested as a male or female and go through a few measurements. Prettyscale gives you a number from 1 to 100 — ugly (1) to beautiful (100).
Andddddd then leaves you with a list of what’s wrong with your face… like this:

(Very kindness! Much helping!)
So, Is Prettyscale Legit? Are The Results Accurate?
No, they’re not.
Here’s why.
#1 Not enough measurements
Prettyscale asks you to place points on your face, which gives you the feeling that they know what they’re doing.
The truth is, you’d need a whole lot more measurements than this to do what they claim.
The fact that Prettyscale has you measure, like, 2 things about your nose is proof that it’s not capturing you in any detail whatsoever.
Think about everything that’s left out: Prettyscale doesn’t care if your teeth are clean or rotted, if your eyes are covered in boils, if you have bird feathers in place of skin, or, if you’ve been voted as the ugliest dog alive (keyword here is “dog“).
#2 Pretending symmetry is everything
Prettyscale acts as if symmetry is all that determines who is ugly or beautiful.
The reality is that it does not. Plenty of models, actors, and actresses would fail this test miserably. Nonetheless, they are considered some of the most physically attractive people alive. Angelina Jolie was voted the most beautiful in the world by a landslide vote in 2008’s Vanity Fair article, but when we tested her photo, she got a whopping 70-ish percent.
One more piece of evidence for our case is Sydney Sweeney who was declared the “prettiest woman alive” in 2023, ranking in the median percentile at 67%. Riiiiiight.
#3 Using pictures
Finally, Prettyscale is not accurate because it uses pictures, and a picture isn’t the same as what you look like in real life.
For example, cameras can make your forehead, nose, or chin look bigger than it really is. Or make your face look extra short or long. And, it’s highly likely that you and strangers wouldn’t see eye to eye on which photo of you is the best.
So that’s our Prettyscale review. Prettyscale might be a fun game for some people, but is it accurate? No. You shouldn’t take the results seriously. Prettyscale isn’t real and can’t tell you if you’re ugly or beautiful.
If you’re after an unbiased opinion on your photographic appearance, like whether you’re coming off as Attractive, Smart, and Trustworthy, we can do that! Test a photo on Photofeeler for free here!