
Matchmaking Services: Everything You Need to Know

man and woman kissing behind fan with a heart print

According to a recent Forbes study, nearly 50% of couples meet online, most of whom use dating apps or sites to meet their match.

Although the overall feeling towards online dating is mostly positive, many singles get dating app burnout, give up looking for their match, and start browsing other online dating alternatives, such as professional matchmaking services.

These services come with a higher investment commitment, but is it worth the money? How does matchmaking work anyway? Are you guaranteed to get a match or get your money back?

We answer all your burning questions and much more!

Click below to jump ahead:
Do matchmaking services still exist?
How do matchmaking services work?
How much do matchmaking services cost?
Are matchmaking services worth the money?
What are the benefits of using a matchmaking service instead of online dating?
Attract high-quality matches without paying thousands of dollars

Do matchmaking services still exist?

Yes, matchmaking services are very much alive and thriving. In fact, the number of worldwide matchmaking users is expected to reach 138.6 million by 2029.

The top five most popular matchmaking services of the moment are:

  1. Tawkify
  2. It’s Just Lunch
  3. Elite Singles
  4. Selective Search
  5. VIDA Select

How do matchmaking services work?

Professional matchmaking services typically start with in-depth interviews with clients. This helps experienced matchmakers create a detailed profile of your relationship goals and individual preferences. Using this information, matchmakers handpick potential matches from their extensive membership base (some members, some non-members). The entire experience is guided by human dating experts who focus on finding compatible matches that align with your criteria.

How long does it usually take for a matchmaker to find a match?

The timeframe varies based on individual preferences and the matchmaking process. Some clients find matches within weeks, while others may take several months. Patience is essential as matchmakers aim for quality over quantity, ensuring long-term compatibility.

Do matchmaking services have a screening process?

All reputable matchmakers should have an extensive screening and vetting process to ensure singles are looking for a serious relationship and to identify preferences.

There is a range of intake procedures, such as forms, questionnaires, interviews with matchmakers, personality assessments, and more. The more the matchmaker knows about you, the better your matches should be.

How do you tell if a matchmaking service is legit?

Before you sign up or provide any personal information, research the service on Google or read our unfiltered reviews.

Another great place to get up-to-date intel and understand how the process should go is your state’s Better Business Bureau.

Red flags to look for when choosing a matchmaking service 🚩

The biggest red flag with matchmaking services is overpromising. It’s going to take time to find you a relevant match, as it should. If you go with a service that starts throwing matches at you quickly, be cautious; they’re likely not vetted and are just trying to fulfill your monthly match quota to keep you around.

A second red flag is overly aggressive sales tactics. Don’t feel rushed into signing up with any service; by all means, shop around. When you’re ready to speak to a matchmaker, have a list of questions prepared so you run the show. Here are a few suggestions:

Are there different types of matchmaking services?

Absolutely. Matchmaking services cater to various demographics and preferences, such as:

How much do matchmaking services cost?

The cost of matchmaking services varies widely. Basic matchmaking packages can start at a few thousand dollars, while elite matchmaking services for millionaires can cost tens of thousands. The price reflects the level of personalized service, expertise of the matchmakers, and additional services such as custom date planning.

Different pricing options

Monthly packages

VIDA Select pricing by needs post-consultation

VIDA Select has membership packages priced based on the level of services, such as Basic ($1195 per month), Premium ($1795 p/m), and Elite packages (starting at $2595 p/m). Prices are based on the number of hours dedicated to searching for compatible matches each month. With monthly subscriptions, you can usually freeze them and resume them at any time.

Year contracts

Selective Search year-long contract investment costs

Selective Search offers year-long contract investments at a sliding scale rate, with international searches reaching seven figures. If you plan to freeze your contract or take a break, it needs to be negotiated into the contract during sign-up.


DateSpot Matchmaking pay-per-match pricing

The most uncommon pricing method is pay-per-match, with a match being defined as an “introduction”.

DateSpot does this by accessing the other matchmaking services’ userbase and paying them for relevant matches they can match with you. It’s the most cost-friendly option, but we can’t attest to the time investment.

Are matchmaking services worth the money?

Investing in professional matchmaking services can be worthwhile if you value quality over quantity. These services offer a higher level of service, personalized matchmaking counseling, and access to an elite dating pool. If you do not want to put in the time and effort to use dating apps, this is a done-for-you way to still date.

Outside of that, let’s see what the recent online consensus thinks about matchmaking services. (For accuracy, all these reviews and feedback are pulled from Reddit forums or review sites, not the official matchmaking websites).

PROS– Why people like matchmaking services 👍

CONS– Why people don’t like matchmaking services 👎

What are the benefits of using a matchmaking service instead of online dating?

While matchmaking services offer many advantages to online dating, the playing field is fairly level when finding your match. The main outlier for matchmaking services is the 1:1 attention, privacy, and curation of finding your match. It’s worth it for people dating within a religion, have strong dealbreakers, or feel socially awkward and need more help with dating in general.

Matchmaking services don’t really save singles that much time, as it takes a while to find a match. So even though you’re not swiping or going on dead-end dates, you’ll still be waiting for a match (that’s not guaranteed to be “the one”). Most matchmaking users find their true match after 11 dates, which could take months and come with an expensive price tag.

Attract high-quality matches without paying thousands of dollars

Many matchmakers recruit singles from the apps, so why not go straight to the source? If you’ve already tried dating apps, you may be missing out on the best matches with lackluster photos.

Users who test their pics on Photofeeler see a 5-10x increase in matches. Test your photos now!