
How To Upload Your Resume to LinkedIn in 4 Easy Steps! (2024 Updates)

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Add resume to LinkedIn

How to Add Your Resume to LinkedIn

Can you still do it after LinkedIn’s last redesign?

Short answer: yes, you can.

Long answer: with LinkedIn’s last major website and app redesign, LinkedIn dropped the old “Import resume” feature.

How to add your resume to your LinkedIn profile (the NEW way)

Since LinkedIn removed the old “Import resume” feature, sharing resumes on one’s LinkedIn profile is much less common.

If you want to do it, though, you can still can:

1. Go to “Me” with your profile image. Click “View Profile.”

2. Scroll down until you see a subsection titled “Featured.” If you’re unable to find this section, go to the button titled “Add profile section”, under your bio.

screenshot of add section button linkedin


3. Go to the Recommended tab and then on “Add featured.” Click the + sign to be prompted with a drop-down menu where you’re able to add media.

add media add resume featured tab

4. Upload your resume with a proper file name.

Viola! Your resume will appear shortly in your Featured section.

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