
Blinq HowHot Alternative: Photofeeler.com

Last updated

The new “rate my picture” app by Blinq called HowHot.io (#howhot) was recently trending. Supposedly the app uses artificial intelligence to guess your attractiveness and age.

However, users quickly found the results weren’t all they were chalked up to be:

Like HowHot but better - HowHot replacement judges your hotness accurately

Like HowHot but better - HowHot replacement judges your hotness accurately

Like HowHot but better - HowHot replacement judges your hotness accurately

While HowHot.io may be hilarious, unfortunately it’s not at all reliable for people looking for real feedback on how attractive they look in photos.

Fortunately, there is a How Hot alternative that actually does what it says it will.

Disappointed HowHot users, Meet Photofeeler!

Photofeeler — which uses a polite and respectful community of real, human voters — can tell you how Attractive your photos look.

Actually, Photofeeler can test photos for all these traits: Competent, Likable, Influential, Confident, Authentic, Fun, Smart, Trustworthy, and Attractive.


Go to Photofeeler.com now and give it a try!
